Tag: lightweight
Cross-platform super lightweight one file qsub replacement
Useful for people running their jobs on UNIX clusters, who for some reason need from time to time to launch them on Windows with business logic similar to original qsub command. It works like this: starts an HTTP server which is running 8 worker threads (adjust to the max number […]
Dicomymizer – user-friendly DICOM anonymizer / hierarchy builder
Another fruit of my unholy union with Laboratoire de Recherche en Neuroimagerie. A forgotten one actually, as it is a piece of software I wrote about a year ago. The classical problem of creating hierarchy of DICOM files (e.g. PatientName/StudyDate/ProtocolName/SeriesNumber – my favorite 😉 ) and possibly anonymizing them on […]
Brain Connectivity Viewer
There’s plenty of medical image format viewers and brain viewers in particular, however there seemed to be a niche for a small, efficient brain connectivity viewer having all the necessary features for comprehensive and appealing presentation of dynamic causal modelling results, resting-state connectivity or statistical longitudinal coupling (novel work by […]
Large Table Viewer
Every now and then you have to deal with tabular data files that are larger than average. I, for one, occasionally have to deal with CSV files as large as 500MB – 1GB each (e.g. 10000 rows, 30000 columns). If you already had the doubtful pleasure of using Excel to […]
Sound Manager for Unity3D
Unity3D’s default sound philosophy (2D/3D audio sources with support for directionality, volume, panning, property animations and filters like Reverb, Echo, etc.) is cool but if you want to add some simple sounds to your game really quickly and also: – keep playing music when loading and into new scenes – […]
Thin-Git Goes Open-Source
Hello everybody, Finally I have decided to release Thin-Git on an open-source license – BSD-old. Just to remind you, -old means that there is the advertising clause saying: 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by […]
ThinGit Update – much improved performance
Hi there! I’ve prepared a new version of ThinGit with drastically improved performance this time (thanks to more intelligent changes detection and push/pull behavior) and a fix for mishandled delete/modify conflict. Enjoy! As a sidenote: if ThinGit is starting to consume too much RAM on your machine (classic behavior for […]
ThinGit: SSH session reuse + significant GUI improvements
I’ve updated ThinGit to reuse existing SSH sessions instead of re-establishing them for every operation – it speeds up processing significantly and reduces CPU usage! I’ve also made GUI a LOT more user-friendly. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD: ThinGit Update
OK, finally I’m ready to present my collaboration/content-sharing tool – ThinGit! ThinGit periodically synchronizes local Git repositories with their remote origins and features automatic conflict resolution by creating timestamped copies of conflicted files. As such, its primary use is as an alternative to DropBox and SparkleShare! As the name suggests, […]
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