
Another Flow Field Editor Update

Probably final this time 😉 I was trying to find a compromise between speed and quality and came up with an idea of triangle-based cubic interpolation. Fortunately it turned out that such beast already existed – It’s several times faster than Natural Neighbour and gives better results than Linear […]

Flow Field Editor Update

I’ve introduced some useful changes: 1) Fast preview/export using triangulated irregular network linear interpolation. This looks a bit worse than Natural Neighbor method but it’s a lot faster. 2) Thanks to using OpenMP for Natural Neighbor high quality export, it should be approximately N times faster (where N is the […]

Flow Shader Fix / Flow Editor

So first of all, I’ve fixed a little bug in the water flow shader which basically inverted one of the texture coordinates and made all of the flow animations look weird or just wrong. This is how the flow map from my last tutorial looks in action now: And it’s […]

Monkey Dodge – Attempt at my own Flow Map

So this is how I attempted to create my own flowmap: 1) Took a screenshot of the scene from above: 2) Using GIMP, performed edge detection using Sobel size 3 filter 3) Performed Dilation 3 times. 4) Performed Brightness/Contrast adjustment, setting Brightness to 126, contrast to 127 5) I loaded […]

Monkey Dodge – Adding bits of realism

I’m trying to add bits and pieces of modern rendering techniques which are supposed to make a game look more realistic. With moderate success so far… stuff used: Flow maps, Fur and Blur. Try to spot them in the picture 😉

Unity 3D Indie Realtime Water Reflection

Using the following two-pass shader I was able to get realtime water reflections in Indie/Free Edition of Unity 3D: The shader was based on some other shader demonstrating light computations in Unity3D. I added the second pass, made a mirror reflection of geometry against water and switched face culling to […]

Monkey Dodge in Unity

After doing basics in Blender, my original plan was to teach my student how to port those games to GameKit and have them running on iOS and Android and earn some bucks, but in the end I’ve figured that it’s not reasonable to stick to open source tools. Unity3D is […]

Monkey Dodge 2012.2

Here is how we’re progressing with my Blender teachings ;] As you can see, my student should now be able to create pleasingly looking scenes with some visually appealing details instead of just plain geometry. Some of the techniques involved: texture animation, normal textures, armature, IPO curves, skybox. Download: […]

Monkey Dodge

I’ve been giving lessons in Blender recently. This is just a trivial little game I’ve created for my student to show him several concepts – dynamic shadows, object properties, texture coordinates animation, etc. You can play it for a couple of minutes if you’d like: 😉

Partial replacement for MATLAB's Image Processing Toolbox

I recently needed to replace the following functions from MATLAB’s Image Processing Toolbox: bwareaopen(), bwconncomp(), colfilt(), im2bw(), imclose(), imdilate(), imerode(), imfilter(), imopen() in order to remove it as a dependency of one of the new SPM toolboxes I’ve been working on. If you happen to be in a similar situation […]