Tag: python

Yet another simple command line task manager

Yet another simple command line task manager

Sitting in a single stand-alone Python file named “t” you will find a very basic command line task manager. Just download it anywhere (e.g. to your project diretory) and make it executable. You can also add it to the system path. Depending on the location you can call it as […]

NMRate – Browser-based Medical Image Rating System

NMRate – Browser-based Medical Image Rating System

A special order from friends at LREN prompted me to prepare this streamlined version (in fact – a rewrite) of an old tool – crowdseg. crowdseg was never publicly released but was used as part of the works on the following paper: Lorio, S., Fresard, S., Adaszewski, S., Kherif, F., […]

smqsched – Simple Multi Queue Scheduler

smqsched – Simple Multi Queue Scheduler

smqsched Simple Multi Queue Scheduler smqsched is a simple multi-threaded task scheduling module with support for multiple queues and directed acyclic graph (DAG) dependencies. Introduction smqsched was designed with the following objectives in mind: Allow existing code to be parallelized without significant refactoring To this end, smqsched uses promise-style creation […]

Astrophoto Color Stretch

Astrophoto Color Stretch

For those of you who have already discovered the joys of snapping pictures of the night sky this subject won’t come as a surprise. For the uninitiated though I will start with a few words of introduction. Landscape astrophotography (also known as: Nightscape photography or simply – some may even […]

Blender: Automatic Armature Generation

Blender: Automatic Armature Generation

Continuing the marathon of Blender add-ons this time I’ve prepared an automatic armature generation script using only very roughly hand-assigned vertex groups as hints. You can judge the results of my endeavor by watching the tutorial video below and test the new functionality right away by downloading the script directly […]

Blender: Place Object on Surface Add-On

Blender: Place Object on Surface Add-On

There’s yet another fine addition to my blender-addons repository on GitHub. The object_place_on_surface.py operator allows to easily place selected object on designated surface (object with the name… surprise, surprise… “surface”) by simply placing the 3D cursor at target location and pressing the P key on the keyboard. Objects are placed […]

Lightning Arcs

Lightning Arcs

You will find a new script in my Blender Addons repository. It’s called lightning_arcs.py and builds on top of the Blender Laplacian Lightning plugin to create configurable arcs of lightning between particles of an object. Three empty objects have to be present in the scene – ELorigin, ELground and ARCheight. […]

Union Loose Parts

Union Loose Parts

In Blender, having greebles consisting of multiple loose parts can pose a problem when trying to warp them into shape of an arbitrary surface using modifiers such as Curve, Lattice or ShrinkWrap. The result pictured in the back of the scene above shows how loose parts tend to detach from […]

dirsnap: compare longitudinal directory tree snapshots

dirsnap: compare longitudinal directory tree snapshots

This subject seems to be a recurring question: http://superuser.com/questions/48916/how-best-to-compare-huge-directory-trees http://serverfault.com/questions/39534/best-way-to-compare-diff-a-full-directory-structure As much as I appreciate existing solutions, they do not perform precisely what is requested and therefore can be described rather as workarounds. What I would like to present in this post is a utility capable of 1) creation of […]

Fast Discrete Approximation of Natural Neighbor Interpolation in 3D

Fast Discrete Approximation of Natural Neighbor Interpolation in 3D

Natural Neighbor is an interpolation scheme suitable for scattered data. It is based on weighted average approach and uses Voronoi diagram to determine relative contribution of given data points. Weights are defined as ratio of area “stolen” from known data points in the diagram by adding an interpolated data point […]