Category: Featured

Mynodbcsv: Lightweight Zero-Config Database Solution for Handling Very Large CSV Files

This is definitely something out of the ordinary. My paper about efficient zero-config database software for large CSV files got published in the PLOS ONE journal. You can find all the details in the paper itself: I’m happy 🙂

QNarrowTreeView – a tree view that will never horizontally overflow a viewport

QNarrowTreeView is a BSD-licensed Qt widget using novel UI to represent tree models without growing horizontally while expanding items. SOURCE CODE:

StanScript – improved JavaScript based on traceur-compiler

Following on my little half-joke Backtick, I actually wanted to improve some things pointed out to me as bad about it and create a bit more professional JS-derivative. This time it’s based on much more solid foundation – the traceur compiler. It’s pretty cleanly divided into parser and code generator […]

TextTexture – rendering text in WebGL

Always wanted to paint nice text in WebGL but didn’t know how? 😉 Today’s your lucky day as I’m releasing this little snippet for creating “text textures” and then drawing them using custom shaders. The trick behind efficient usage of texture space here is using three separate color channels to […]

ScreenScroller – Control any Android device with just one hand

It was bound to happen. A geek left alone for Easter must’ve resulted in a new piece of software 😉

Cross-platform super lightweight one file qsub replacement

Useful for people running their jobs on UNIX clusters, who for some reason need from time to time to launch them on Windows with business logic similar to original qsub command. It works like this: starts an HTTP server which is running 8 worker threads (adjust to the max number […]

Unity3D Indie (Free) Portal Effect Project Sources

Hello everyone! Due to popular demand finally I’m releasing project sources of the Unity3D Indie Portal Effect. In two words, the technique is based on using multiple cameras (3 in this case) and then selectively drawing just Z-values of the portal gates in the 1st pass so that they leave […]

WebPong – instant WebSockets-based multiplayer mode

WebPong was supposed to be a multiplayer clone of Pong running on WebSockets and WebGL/BabylonJS library for 3D graphics. As it turned out that pong in real 3D (6 degrees of freedom) isn’t really that much fun, I decided to convert it into a simple ball shooting game with a […]

credfs – Protect your plaintext credentials

As promised here comes the distribution of credfs source code. To use it, just unpack it somewhere, cd to the credfs directory, run ./ and follow the instructions. You will need FUSE, libcryptopp and libarchive in your system and specify appropriate include/library directives in the Makefile. The one that comes […]

credfs – FUSE filesystem to finally store your 'mount' (CIFS, etc) credentials more securely

First of all I’d like to dedicate this little filesystem to my dear friend Sara. It was your brief issue with auto-mounting the CIFS share on CentOS machine which inspired me to try this approach for securing passwords. Thank you for this and everything else 🙂 So, the fundamental thought […]