
matpy – call Python from MATLAB

Hello everyone! If you ever wanted to call Python from MATLAB, here goes something for you. Today I’d like to present matpy – a MATLAB extension for accessing Python. It is more or less an equivalent to pymat but the other way around. At the moment it’s for sure more […]

ThinGit Update – much improved performance

Hi there! I’ve prepared a new version of ThinGit with drastically improved performance this time (thanks to more intelligent changes detection and push/pull behavior) and a fix for mishandled delete/modify conflict. Enjoy! As a sidenote: if ThinGit is starting to consume too much RAM on your machine (classic behavior for […]

Java: Automatic configuration dialog for cli-parser annotated fields

In case you haven’t heard about cli-parser – it’s a command-line interface library for Java and a very handy one at that. Its main class parses command line parameters into fields of a given class specified just by annotations. It can also produce a neat usage description characteristic for CL […]

New Theme: Bye bye iNove, welcome iFeature

I felt it was time for a change on my blog, so I did a little search for new theme yesterday. I found this lovely iFeature theme which you can see in action now. It features something called iFeature Slider – basically it’s a carousel type widget that displays images […]

ThinGit: SSH session reuse + significant GUI improvements

I’ve updated ThinGit to reuse existing SSH sessions instead of re-establishing them for every operation – it speeds up processing significantly and reduces CPU usage! I’ve also made GUI a LOT more user-friendly. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD: ThinGit Update


OK, finally I’m ready to present my collaboration/content-sharing tool – ThinGit! ThinGit periodically synchronizes local Git repositories with their remote origins and features automatic conflict resolution by creating timestamped copies of conflicted files. As such, its primary use is as an alternative to DropBox and SparkleShare! As the name suggests, […]

DropBox, SparkleShare, … thin-git (Part 2)

As announced, I’ve installed DropBox and SparkleShare today on my Windows XP-based PC. DropBox works out-of-the-box 😉 and makes the impression of a mature and stable application. It works fast, reliably and features Web interface to overlook and manage the state of your remote repository. Its only shortcoming (except for […]

DropBox, SparkleShare, … thin-git

Recently I had a little discussion about DropBox, which was highly praised by my colleague for its simplicity, efficacy, security, etc. Of course I like the idea very much and believe that it works good, because otherwise it wouldn’t have so many users. However there’s one thing fundamentally wrong with […]

QNodesEditor – Qt nodes/ports-based data processing flow editor

In case you ever wanted to use nodes-based editor in Qt, I think I’ve got just the right thing for you. I tried to make sure that no similar solution already existed. Now, briefly about the software I’ve stumbled upon and what is wrong with it in my opinion: 1) […]

Lindenberg's watershed-based blob detection for MATLAB

Just something I needed recently and haven’t found any existing standalone implementation. Algorithm description can be found on Wikipedia. Usage is quite simple:         % Where I is 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional image [~, index] = sort(reshape(I, numel(I), 1), 1, ‘descend’); blobs = ls_blob_detect(I, index);