
Yet another Maybe monad for Java

A better one of course – based on cglib’s Enhancer functionality. I wanted to extract some optional elements from an XML file and (if present) assign their contents to fields of my class. In the beginning I started by using try-catch but it soon became unmanageable (and painful to look […]

Foamy Liquid Shader

A variation of my animated water shader supporting foam around obstacles. Unfortunately I can’t prepare a video, but the foam is fully dynamic, it appears around places with small flow and is subject to flow animation. Attached is the archive with the shader, all necessary textures and a demo scene […]

Massacre 3D Release 2012.12

Massacre 3D is the first 3D game I’ve created. It was over 11 years ago – I was 17 and I knew nothing about programming. Really! I didn’t even know what the heck .h files were for in C++ 😉 I was placing both functions and variables in them and […]

Efficient CSV Reader for MATLAB

This CSV reader will provide you with uncompromised performance. Thanks to the power of MEX compiler, for the first time in history you can load _HUGE_ CSV files into MATLAB in seconds. Enjoy! Usage: The attached archive contains compiled MEXW64 version. For other OS/architecture you need to: DOWNLOAD:

GraviBall Released

DOWNLOAD: Finally, the time has come to release my first more or less complete computer game in quite some time. GraviBall started as a small experiment with custom gravity in Unity3D and quickly grew to be a space arcade with SMG-like feeling. At the moment, it has six levels […]

Large Table Viewer

Every now and then you have to deal with tabular data files that are larger than average. I, for one, occasionally have to deal with CSV files as large as 500MB – 1GB each (e.g. 10000 rows, 30000 columns). If you already had the doubtful pleasure of using Excel to […]

Sound Manager for Unity3D

Unity3D’s default sound philosophy (2D/3D audio sources with support for directionality, volume, panning, property animations and filters like Reverb, Echo, etc.) is cool but if you want to add some simple sounds to your game really quickly and also: – keep playing music when loading and into new scenes – […]

Handling Java objects in MEX files

In case you are right now having the same doubts as author of this post, I might have some good news for you. The following snippet of code was supposed to be part of my upcoming Weka toolbox for SPM8. It copies content of a 2-D full real MATLAB array […]

Animated Water Shader

Due to popular request, I’m posting the source code of my Unity3D Animated Water Shader. It is a complete rewrite of Alzahiel/GraphicRunner’s shader. Brief list of changes: – It’s a surface shader (not Vertex+Fragment) – Doesn’t require script file, all animation is done in the shader using built-in _Time variable […]

Thin-Git Goes Open-Source

Hello everybody, Finally I have decided to release Thin-Git on an open-source license – BSD-old. Just to remind you, -old means that there is the advertising clause saying: 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by […]