Tag: free

Unity3D 4 Indie (Free) Portal Effect With No Stencil And No Render To Texture

This effect has been achieved using a smart setup of 4 cameras and custom shaders writing to depth buffer only. Neither stencil buffer not render textures have been used as they are unavailable in the free version of Unity3D. This technique allows also for perfect rendering of mirrors and water […]

Brain Connectivity Viewer

There’s plenty of medical image format viewers and brain viewers in particular, however there seemed to be a niche for a small, efficient brain connectivity viewer having all the necessary features for comprehensive and appealing presentation of dynamic causal modelling results, resting-state connectivity or statistical longitudinal coupling (novel work by […]

GraviBall Released

DOWNLOAD: graviball.zip Finally, the time has come to release my first more or less complete computer game in quite some time. GraviBall started as a small experiment with custom gravity in Unity3D and quickly grew to be a space arcade with SMG-like feeling. At the moment, it has six levels […]

GraviBall Demo

A small Unity3D game I started creating recently. Features custom character controller and several interesting transparent materials. It will get more fascinating as I come up with new ideas to employ the non-orthodox game physics. Game created in Unity Indie. All geometry and textures were created in Blender.


Just in case you’re missing the Stats toolbox, a KMeans implementation for MATLAB. DOWNLOAD: ls_kmeans.zip