Month: January 2012
Here it goes (BSD Licensed)… You already know what it looks like: Tested on Windows / Linux X11 (with/without compositing). Enjoy!
VocaBreak 2012.1
Ok, here goes first version of VocaBreak in 2012. It features a new Qt Goodie I intend to publish soon – the QSexyToolTip class. Looks like this: Pretty cool, huh? 😉 Enjoy: Vocabreak Setup!
Has it ever happened to you to be working on a system where you’re not completely in control (i.e. non-root)? Well, it happened to me more than once and quite recently I had to mount a UnionFS on such system – without any special privileges or cooperation from the system […]
New Year – New Server
Happy New Year! As probably all of the world has noticed 😉 my blog went off-line in the beginning of November 2011. It was due to a server malfunction. It has a long story, my server that is – at first (10 years ago) it was a Pentium II MMX […]
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