Tag: files

dirsnap: compare longitudinal directory tree snapshots

dirsnap: compare longitudinal directory tree snapshots

This subject seems to be a recurring question: http://superuser.com/questions/48916/how-best-to-compare-huge-directory-trees http://serverfault.com/questions/39534/best-way-to-compare-diff-a-full-directory-structure As much as I appreciate existing solutions, they do not perform precisely what is requested and therefore can be described rather as workarounds. What I would like to present in this post is a utility capable of 1) creation of […]

Large Table Viewer

Every now and then you have to deal with tabular data files that are larger than average. I, for one, occasionally have to deal with CSV files as large as 500MB – 1GB each (e.g. 10000 rows, 30000 columns). If you already had the doubtful pleasure of using Excel to […]