Admittedly, it already exists – but its awkward way of doing things (exposing functions using ActiveX server) was a bit of overkill for our needs. Hence, this stripped down, pure MEX version. Enjoy.
Usage: [position, buttons] = mat_joy(joystick_id), where:
joystick_id – joystick identifier (0-15),
position – list of joystick position in X, Y and Z axis,
buttons – list of 16 joystick button states (missing buttons are always zeros)
I have a gamepad with 2 analog joysticks. Is it possible to adapt your mex function so that more joysticks can be read?
As you can see the parameter list contains joystick ID, so you might be able to get data from your 2 joysticks by using ID 0 and 1 – have you tried that? The joyGetPos() WinAPI function that I use to get joystick position doesn’t support any other way of identifying joysticks.
I could get two buttons responses from Joystick. But I want to read 5 or 6 button responses for Joystick. How can I change the program for that. Does your C and MEX file support for any number of inputs?
Does it work for usb joystick?