Gobble Up CSV is our commercial offer of Multi-Threaded CSV Reader for MATLAB.
If you are a user of our Efficient CSV Reader for MATLAB (a.k.a. “Swallow CSV”) you already know how much time we’ve saved you by taking seconds to read delimiter-separated values into MATLAB instead of hours using built-in functions or competing solutions. Now you can take your performance gains to the next level by making full use of multi-core processors (and/or multi-CPU computers). With performance scaling almost linearly with number of extra cores you can easily get 8x boost just by using modern 8-core processor. To quote one of our Swallow CSV users:
This is truly awesome, the original csvimport function I used took 2 hours to load a single csv and this is like 10 seconds — Cecil
With Gobble Up CSV those 10 seconds would be 1.25 seconds on an 8-core machine. If this lights up your imagination, go ahead and contact us now.