SEC2J – journalling for HDF5

I’ve been rather quiet lately but that’s only because I’m working on tons of interestng stuff : ) Here’s something cool for managing issues with corrupt HDF5 files (e.g. 1, 2). It’s still a work in progress and not fully tested but it’s basically an implementation of journalling for the default SEC2 file driver of HDF5. This functionality was planned for release 1.10.0 by the HDF5 group but since I needed it now… here you go ; )

H5FD_sec2j is a journalling filesystem driver for HDF5 based on SEC2 driver

The architecture od SEC2J is as follows:

A journal file format:


| Magic string SEC2J (5 bytes) | Last entry offset (8 bytes) |

Followed by entries of the following format:

| Address (8 bytes) | Size (8 bytes) | CRC32 (4 bytes) |

Data (variable size) | Previous entry offset (8 bytes) |

Two new functions are introduced:

herr_t H5FD_sec2j_tx_start(hid_t __f1);
herr_t H5FD_sec2j_tx_end(hid_t __f1);

to respectively start and finish a journalled transaction on the given HDF5 file descriptor.

If the transaction gets interrupted by a process crash, upon opening the file next time the journaled changes will be reverted bringing the file to the state before transaction.

Consistency is assured by calling fsync() for both underlying SEC2 file and the journal file to ensure the journal never gets disposed before HDF5 file state is stable.

A Python wrapper using Cython is provided:

cimport sec2j

cdef class sec2j:
    def init():
        return H5FD_sec2j_init()

    def term():

    def set_fapl(hid_t fapl):
        return H5Pset_fapl_sec2j(fapl)

    def tx_start(hid_t f):
        return H5FD_sec2j_tx_start(f)

    def tx_end(hid_t f):
        return H5FD_sec2j_tx_end(f)

And a simple test illustrating the problem. A simple os._exit() can ruin a regular HDF5 file without journalling!

import sys
import h5py
from h5py import h5p, h5f
import os


from sec2j import sec2j

def main():
	fapl = h5p.create(h5p.FILE_ACCESS)
	print fapl
	print '',
	fname = "test.h5"
	fid = h5f.create(fname, flags=h5f.ACC_TRUNC, fapl=fapl)
	print 'fid ready:',
	# return
	f = h5py.File(fid)
	g = f.require_group('bbic/volume/0')
	g.attrs.create('width', 640)
	#print f

if __name__ == '__main__':

Note the test might not ruin it each and every time it really depends how eagerly the OS flushes buffers to disk. I’ll prepare a more reliable test soon.

This project has a GitHub repo:



  • Thanks for all the work and the nice post.
    Is there any work being done currently to implement in the next version of HDF5?

    • Hi. I cannot manage to compile it. When I run MakeFile.cython I get this: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lH5FD_sec2j
      Could you please describe how I could get it working? Thank you!

  • Hi. I cannot manage to compile it. When I run MakeFile.cython I get this: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lH5FD_sec2j
    Could you please describe how I could get it working? Thank you!

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